Professional Ministry Core 9 hours
- Biblical Servant-Leadership in Ministry (3 hrs)
- Foundations of a Text-Based Ministry (3 hrs)
- The Church and Culture (3 hrs)
Biblical Interpretation 9 hours
- Exegesis Electives (3 hrs)
- Psalms (3 hrs)
- Contemporary Issues in Theology (3 hrs)
- Romans (3 hrs)
- Israel in Prophecy (3 hrs)
- Theological and Exegetical Perspectives on Spiritual Gifts (3 hrs)
- The Life & Ministry of David (3 hrs)
Practical Theology 12 hours
- The Local Church and its World Mission (3 hrs)
- Discipleship and Mentoring in the Local Church (3 hrs)
- The Church & Family Ministry (3 hrs)
- Ethics in Ministry (3 hrs)
- Cooperative Biblical Relationships (3 hrs)
- Core Values for Pastoral Ministry (3hrs)
Practical Research Project 6 hours
- Practical Research Project I (3 hrs)
- Practical Research Project II [field] (3 hrs)
Practical Christian Ministry 2 units
- Practical Christian Ministry (you must be able to verify that you are actively involved in ministry)
Select category to view courses: